
Finding a Chiropractor in Wahkiakum County, Washington

If you are looking for a chiropractor in Wahkiakum County, there are some different options available. The best choice is to find a chiropractor that is local to the area. This will give you the peace of mind that you need to know that you will be getting the care you need.

Dr. Brook Young

Brook Young, DC is a chiropractor in Brush …

Pregnancy Yoga – Avoiding Abdominal Poses

prenatal yoga

When you’re pregnant, you’ll probably want to try a prenatal yoga class. You should be able to find a teacher that is trained and experienced in teaching prenatal yoga. And you’ll want to make sure that you avoid poses that can strain or compress your abdomen. This is especially important during the second and third trimesters, when you need to be extra careful.…

Active Therapeutic Movement

Active therapeutic movement is a technique that has the potential to help patients relieve pain. The technique consists of individualized body repositioning to find unique, pain-free positions for the user. The method involves a combination of massage and physical therapy techniques and it’s an effective treatment for several types of musculoskeletal injuries.


Active therapeutic movement (ATM) is the name of the game …

Symptoms of Sciatica


Symptoms of sciatica are usually caused by the inflammation of the spinal cord. This condition can be triggered by a herniated disc, tumors or a spondylolisthesis. These can lead to the pain felt in the lower back and in the leg. It can also be a symptom of a medical condition such as lumbar stenosis or spinal cord injury. If you are suffering …

Upper Cervical Chiropractor

upper cervical chiropractor

A Kirkland chiropractor can help you to deal with pain from a number of different sources. This type of chiropractic can help you to deal with issues such as headaches, neck pain, and even chronic fatigue syndrome.

Neck pain

Using an upper cervical chiropractor can be a great way to treat neck pain and improve overall health. They use a number of techniques …

Medications For Headaches and Pain Relievers You Can Buy at the Drugstore


Getting headaches can be a real pain, but there are things you can do to treat them and relieve the pain. Here are some common medicines for headaches and pain relievers you can buy at the drugstore.


Approximately 15 percent of adults experience headaches at some point during their lives. This condition can be debilitating and interfere with daily activities. However, there …

Ways to Energize While Pregnant

energize while pregnant

There are several options for pregnant women who are looking for a quick energy boost. One of them is the drink Energize. This product contains a blend of organic ingredients that is sure to give a woman a natural boost. Unlike most energy drinks, Energize does not contain caffeine, which can be harmful to the baby. However, the drink does contain Taurine, an …

What Is Chiropractic and Why Should You See One?


Chiropractic is an alternative form of medicine that specializes in the mechanical conditions of the spine and musculoskeletal system. It has pseudoscientific and esoteric roots. However, it is now accepted by the majority of the medical community and is an effective treatment for a range of ailments. If you have been experiencing back pain, or any other pain in the body, you should …

What Does a Chiropractor Do?


A chiropractor’s job is to treat the body and relieve pain. To perform this work, chiropractors must examine each patient physically and use X-rays to identify spinal problems. Then they develop a treatment plan for each patient. This plan involves applying controlled forces to the joints to improve their alignment and quality of movement. Chiropractors may use a variety of different techniques, but …

The Definition of Wellness

definition of wellness

Having a clear definition of wellness can be extremely beneficial for a person’s overall health and well-being. A common definition includes physical, emotional, and social wellness. These are all vital aspects of wellness. Having a sense of purpose in life and being connected to a larger community are also important factors in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. While each of these factors may be …