Leaky Gut and Fatigue

leaky gut fatigue

Gut bacteria have an enormous effect on our sleep, mood and energy levels. If the gut lining becomes compromised, fatigue will likely set in more frequently and you could feel tired all of the time.

Leaky gut syndrome has been linked to autoimmune diseases, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia as well as food intolerances and allergies.

To soothe your gut and ease fatigue, take a high-quality multi-strain probiotic supplement containing Bifidobacterium and Bacillus species as well as plenty of soluble fiber to feed your intestinal bacteria.

What is Leaky Gut?

The gastrointestinal tract, commonly referred to as the gut, is a long tube running from your mouth to anus that’s lined by special cells connected by tight junctions that help stop large particles from passing freely between intestine and bloodstream. But with leaky gut syndrome, tight junctions become looser allowing toxins, undigested food particles, bacteria and more into your system via these leaky junctions.

Your immune system then responds by producing chemicals known as cytokines, which in turn cause inflammation throughout the body and lead to symptoms including fatigue.

Other symptoms may include digestive issues like gas, bloating and irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), with stool that changes color or consistency and bouts of diarrhea or constipation alternating with bouts of diarrhea and constipation. You could also develop new food sensitivities. Your mental health could suffer, as memory problems and brain fog occur – you might also notice skin conditions like acne or eczema as part of this illness.

How Does Leaky Gut Cause Fatigue?

Your digestive tract lining can be likened to cheesecloth – with spaces between cells that allow specific nutrients and water to pass through while protecting you from harmful toxins and bacteria. Unfortunately, when these tight junctions become damaged or worn down – for instance in cases such as IBD, Crohn’s, Lupus or chronic Fatigue Syndrome – they can let in all kinds of “bad” stuff which makes you tired.

Antigens from bacteria escape your gut and enter the bloodstream, where they trigger an immune response. Your immune system works hard to combat these microbes and other toxins – draining away precious energy and sapping you of strength.

Your immune system’s weakness can also lead to inflammation, which in turn decreases thyroid function. Reduced thyroid activity slows metabolism and leads to fatigue as well as negatively impacting mood. Studies show that those with leaky gut have less healthy bacteria while more destructive bacteria than energetic individuals.

What Causes Leaky Gut?

The gut lining is an intricate system that produces hormones, regulates your immune system, and communicates with the brain. Scientists are still learning more about its connections and what causes damage to occur in this barrier – leading to disease in some cases.

Damage caused by leaky gut allows undigested food particles, bacteria, viruses and toxins to pass through your intestinal wall into the bloodstream, potentially setting off an inflammatory response which leads to symptoms including fatigue.

Leaky gut can stop your body from absorbing the nutrients it needs for optimal health, leading to various health problems like nutritional deficiencies and more serious conditions like autoimmune diseases and depression, skin disorders like acne, eczema and psoriasis – even acne scarring! Supplements such as L-glutamine can be effective treatments for leaky gut syndrome (7)

What Can You Do About Leaky Gut?

The gastrointestinal tract is an extremely permeable organ that comes into daily contact with many items from outside sources. Food enters through our mouth, is partially digested in our stomachs and finally move on into our intestines to extract energy-giving nutrients for energy needs. In most people this system works efficiently but in certain individuals there may be leakage issues that arise.

Leaky gut syndrome or intestinal hyperpermeability isn’t widely accepted by mainstream medicine; however, many alternative and complementary medicine practitioners ascribe its symptoms.

To address fatigue and leaky gut, reduce stress levels, avoid foods high in sugar, consume probiotics, increase consumption of soluble fiber (found in vegetables, legumes and fruit) and take digestive enzymes. These steps will restore a healthy balance to your microbiome, mend your intestines and make fatigue something of the past.