Spinal Decompression Massage Machine

decompression massage machine

Spinal decompression massage therapy uses gentle stretching and alteration techniques to gently stretch and realign your spine, relieving pressure from spinal discs. This process also helps retract bulging discs so oxygen and nutrients can return more freely, speeding healing.

Decompression massage has long been used as a therapeutic approach, yet is quickly growing more popular today due to its relaxing yet effective qualities. Read on to gain more insight into this treatment, comparing its performance against traditional cupping methods.

Reduces Muscle Discomfort

Decompression massage machines provide relief from muscle tension, improve tissue recovery and alleviate herniated disc-related pain. Decompression machines appear to work by creating negative pressure inside spinal discs that draws herniated disc material back into its proper positions while relieving any surrounding pressure on nerves.

Your doctor or therapist will have you lie on a table, with cushions under both knees. A decompression machine will then begin stretching out your neck or back while monitoring real-time data to determine how many times the machine should stretch it out. Your doctor may use real-time data analysis to monitor pressure distribution as the machine performs these stretches on you and how often.

This machine alternates between distraction and relaxation forces to produce a vacuum effect in spinal discs, helping them rehydrate by relieving pinched nerves of pressure and supporting healing in affected areas.

Improves Spinal Alignment

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical noninvasive solution that uses a motorized machine to gently separate your bones of the spine. This relieves pressure off of any spinal discs that are causing you discomfort while simultaneously encouraging healing.

During a session, the machine gradually and comfortably pulls and holds your spine over several cycles that typically last about 30 minutes. Many patients fall asleep during these treatments!

The DRX9000 spinal decompression machine is an innovative device that can assist with herniated lumbar or cervical discs, spinal stenosis, facet syndrome, sciatica and other back conditions. By stretching out your spine and relieving unwanted spinal pressure while providing oxygen, nutrients and fluid back into herniated discs – this revolutionary machine will bring relief!

Most individuals who opt for this therapy find they experience relief without surgery or medications, although some may experience muscle soreness and numbness after each session; these side effects usually diminish soon after therapy begins.

Relieves Headaches

Spinal decompression therapy can be highly effective at relieving migraine-type headaches caused by herniated discs in the neck that press on nerves leading to the head, as it relieves compression on these nerves and also serves to prevent future headaches.

Decompression massage was shown to decrease both duration and intensity of headaches experienced by four subjects during treatment phase as well as reduce weekly headache frequency.

Decompression massage can be life-altering for chronic migraine sufferers. By relieving pressure off spinal nerves that contribute to painful headaches and strengthening neck muscles and improving posture, decompression massage offers relief that will alleviate their headache symptoms as well as decrease stress levels that contribute to them. More people are turning to this new technique as a solution for their persistent aches and pains; chiropractic care can address any root issues contributing to headaches that could be contributing.

Reduces Stress

Decompression massage machines work by loosening muscles and relieving any tension along the spine, relieving any associated muscle discomfort while improving spinal alignment and relieving headaches caused by everyday stress, posture issues or health-related concerns. It may also relieve headaches caused by transverse processes located either side of the spine – both causes for headaches.

Massage stimulation of the autonomic nervous system leads to increased endorphin, serotonin, and dopamine production as well as decreased cortisol production circulating throughout the body – this decrease in cortisol helps decrease stress levels as well as speed recovery times after injury.

Massage can also help you prioritize self-care. No matter if you are an athlete recovering from competition, an older adult seeking pain relief, or a busy parent facing high levels of stress at work – massage therapy is an effective treatment to relieve tension. How often you should receive treatments will depend on which part of the body needs treating; typically at least once weekly should be scheduled.