What Can a Chiropractor Do For You?


People seek chiropractic help for various reasons, from back and neck discomfort to sore joints or headaches. Some health insurance plans cover chiropractic visits.

At an adjustment session, your chiropractor applies short, sudden forces to joints to correct misalignments and increase range of motion. You may hear cracking or popping noises; these are perfectly normal responses.

Poor Posture

Slumping and hunching over can throw your body off-kilter. Over time, poor posture puts an unnecessary load on muscles and joints which may result in pain, weakness, and decreased flexibility. Over time this stress may wear away at your spine causing osteoporosis as well as increasing risk for spinal fractures.

Your chiropractor will first seek to gain an understanding of how you’ve been carrying yourself during the day, including any job-related or lifestyle factors that may have an effect on your posture. They may ask about job details, exercise patterns and any other lifestyle elements which might be impacting it.

Chiropractors take posture very seriously and can help improve it through spinal adjustments, muscle stretching and strengthening techniques, lifestyle advice and tips. A few simple changes can have a dramatic impact on improving both posture and quality of life; also being aware of what you do throughout the day is also key!

Car Accident Injuries

Chiropractors specialize in diagnosing and treating car accident injuries. This includes whiplash, which occurs due to sudden movements that strain neck muscles and joints. Whiplash may also result in back pain, arm and hand numbness/tingling and headaches.

Even minor car accident injuries can have lasting repercussions. After any collision, it is crucial to visit a hospital or urgent care clinic and have yourself assessed before consulting with a medical professional regarding whether chiropractic treatment might be required.

Car accident chiropractors can detect injuries that might not surface until weeks or even months after an accident has taken place. Their orthopedic and neurological tests will assess soft tissue damage, structural damage, muscle strength, range of motion issues, joint function issues and nerve function issues in order to develop an individualized treatment plan that targets injuries without using medications and heals naturally without side effects from painkillers.

Pain in the Muscles & Joints

Relieve muscle and joint discomfort by spinal manipulation is often possible through spinal manipulations, as this will increase blood flow and nerve conductivity to these areas. Some individuals may experience soreness after the first adjustment; this usually subsides after several days; if this persists beyond that, contact your chiropractor or primary care physician about it immediately.

Bone pain (also referred to as musculoskeletal pain) refers to discomfort or inflammation of bones in any part of the body, including joints. This discomfort or inflammation could occur anywhere along a joint’s path, including those located within ribs and pelvic bones. Joints are complex structures consisting of bones, cartilage, ligaments and tendons which allow us to move in space freely.

Pain that appears to originate in the muscles may actually be indicative of disease in other parts of the body; shoulder discomfort could actually be related to infection or cancerous growths in nearby organs.

Uneven Sole Wear

If your shoes exhibit excessive sole wear on one side, your chiropractor can assess its cause by looking at its pattern of wear. For instance, wear near the heel often indicates one foot pronates more than another and thus placing more pressure on their shoe.

Normal shoe wear patterns should be gradual, even and symmetrical; any deviation can signal misalignments of pelvis and hips that could potentially have serious repercussions for knees and ankles, leading to further issues. Chiropractors are experts at identifying such abnormalities in how your shoes wear and will recommend appropriate treatment; additionally they may suggest lifestyle and diet modifications to avoid future episodes arising – for instance eating foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids as well as using heel pads/insoles that prevent inward rolling (overpronation or supination). By changing these habits you could prevent your shoe wear pattern from worsening further!