Upper Cervical Chiropractic


Upper cervical chiropractic uses a protocol of assessment and treatment to diagnose and treat the condition. Chiropractors of the upper cervical region adhere to the ‘less is more’ approach to health care and only make adjustments if they have observed an improvement in the patient’s overall health. Patients undergo several tests and evaluations during their appointments, and the doctor will follow the protocol for each one. The goal of chiropractic treatment is to maintain the spinal alignment of a patient over a long period of time.

upper cervical chiropractic

Most patients who seek upper cervical chiropractic care have tried other forms of care and are more comfortable with the lighter adjusting style. The most common complaint for this type of treatment is neck pain, although it can also benefit patients with headaches, migraines, vertigo, or other conditions. Regardless of the reason for seeking treatment, upper cervical adjusting is a safe and effective solution to neck and upper back pain. If you have any of these problems, you should see your chiropractor for a consultation.

Before recommending an upper cervical chiropractic treatment plan, the chiropractor will evaluate your health history to determine if upper cervical care is right for you. This includes testing the position of your head and shoulders, as well as the length of your legs. During the first appointment, your doctor may even take X-rays of your spine and explain their significance for your overall health. The next appointment will be a good time to have a series of chiropractic treatments.

Upper cervical chiropractic treatment begins with a thorough examination. Your chiropractor will take x-rays and CBCT images of your spine to analyze how the spinal column is aligned. They will also check for any signs of dislocation. The results of these exams will inform you about the best way to treat your upper cervical health. And, if you’ve never had upper cervical care, you may be a good candidate. There are many benefits to seeing an upper cervical doctor!

The upper cervical chiropractic protocol follows a set of principles. Chiropractors are trained in the proper technique and clinical examination of the upper cervical spine. During an examination, a doctor will evaluate your posture, thermal readings, leg checks, and neurological tests. They will also perform a detailed evaluation of the spine. In some cases, patients will undergo several visits before they have the optimal treatment. After a thorough examination, the doctor will prescribe a therapy to relieve pain.

Upper cervical chiropractic has several advantages. It has a number of advantages over traditional methods, including improved posture and reduced headaches. Additionally, it is highly effective. The NUCCA process was developed by B.J. Palmer and is considered the foundation for upper cervical chiropractic. There are many different upper cervical procedures, which follow the articular model in radiographic analysis. In addition to the Hole in One, there are also other methods that follow the articular model, including the Knee Chest technique, Toggle recoil, and Blair technique. Dr. A.A. Wernsing, a pioneer in the field, pioneered the orthogonal procedure and the Blair technique.

Upper cervical chiropractic uses a paradigm of care and treatment that focuses on the intimate relationship between the first two bones in the neck: the atlas and the axis. These are the most flexible segments of the spine, and the brainstem rests within them. This area is vital to the brain, and misalignment of the upper cervical vertebrae may lead to pressure on the brain. For these reasons, it is important to seek regular consultations with an experienced practitioner.

In addition to treating the symptoms of upper cervical problems, upper cervical chiropractic can improve the health of your neck. A properly aligned upper cervical spine is essential to the health of the whole body. Various conditions are treated by the adjusting techniques that are performed by a qualified chiropractor. For instance, a patient suffering from neck pain will experience immediate relief after just a single visit. The patient will also experience a decrease in headaches and other ailments.

The upper cervical spine contains the first two bones of the neck, which are called the atlas and axis. These two bones are the most flexible parts of the spine, and the axis and atlas are the most movable. The atlas is the most flexible segment, and it is the most vulnerable part. The brainstem is located in the upper cervical spine, and misalignment will negatively affect the nerves that supply your body with important signals.