What Are the Benefits of Massage?


Massage therapy uses pressure to manipulate muscles and connective tissues in your body, from soft to intense pressure.

Massage may help relieve pain, lower blood pressure and ease anxiety. Studies have also demonstrated its ability to stimulate serotonin production – an endorphin which positively influences our emotions and moods.


Relaxation massage may not provide as many specific health benefits as remedial massage does, yet still has multiple advantages. It helps calm the mind, reduce anxiety and help restore sleep – three areas in particular that could benefit from relaxation massage therapy.

Massage helps you unwind by increasing temperature in soft tissues, slowing heart rate and releasing hormones which respond to stress by helping the body achieve relaxation.

Massage increases both blood and lymph circulation, helping bring oxygen and nutrients directly to muscles for faster healing and relieving muscle spasms and contractions. Massage has been found to ease pain caused by contractions or spasms by increasing circulation to muscles.

Massage can also strengthen your immunity by encouraging the production of white blood cells that fight infections. To maximize these benefits, exercise should not immediately follow an enjoyable massage experience to allow its benefits to take full effect.

Relieves Pain

Massage helps alleviate pain by increasing blood circulation and lymphatic drainage to flush away toxins from the body and maintain strong immunity systems.

Studies demonstrate the efficacy of massage for treating various forms of pain, including headaches, backaches, joint discomfort and osteoarthritis.

Recently published in Science Translational Medicine was an interesting study which demonstrated how just one Swedish massage session helped decrease pain and increase range of motion in people living with knee osteoarthritis. Researchers believe it may be because massage helps lower’substance P’ neurotransmitters which play an integral part in pain pathways and inflammation processes.

Chronic pain sufferers frequently experience tight muscles and limited range of motion that aggravate their symptoms and prevent them from exercising as frequently as necessary. Massage can be an excellent way to release tensions in these areas and promote relaxation, aiding recovery overall while improving sleep and mood. For more information, consult your physician or chiropractor.

Reduces Blood Pressure

High blood pressure (also known as hypertension) is a silent condition that often develops without warning. There are a number of things you can do to manage it effectively including watching your weight, exercising regularly, cutting back on sodium intake and scheduling regular massage appointments.

Researchers have examined the effect of massage therapy on high blood pressure, and discovered it can significantly decrease both systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels. One 2005 study demonstrated this by showing systolic pressures dropped significantly after receiving back massage therapy from an experienced massage therapist.

One 2006 study examined the effects of various forms of therapeutic massage on blood pressure readings. Swedish massage produced the greatest decrease in readings.

Researchers noted that certain deep, focused massage techniques such as trigger point therapy and sports massage may actually have the opposite effect on blood pressure. These therapies include trigger point therapy and sports massage.

Reduces Anxiety

Massage can provide many health benefits, from relieving anxiety to alleviating pain and stress. Massage has been found to aid sleep quality, reduce tinnitus levels and increase heart health.

Clinical trials demonstrate how massage therapy is an effective form of treatment for anxiety disorders like generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Results of these studies reveal how regular treatments can significantly decrease symptoms while improving health-related quality of life.

Massage can help to lower cortisol, the hormone responsible for increasing stress and anxiety, while at the same time increasing serotonin production which promotes feelings of happiness and promotes calmness.

Recent research revealed that slow-stroke back massage could significantly decrease pain and anxiety for hospitalized elderly stroke patients, while also improving psychological measures like hostility and depression. Though this pilot study only provides preliminary results, further rigorous research needs to be conducted before we can confirm its efficacy for treating anxiety disorders; nevertheless it still offers promise as a therapy solution for stress sufferers.