
The Sound You Hear During a Chiropractor Back Adjustment

chiropractor back adjustment

Chiropractic doctors use various techniques to adjust spinal joints, extremity joints and soft tissue. Some techniques produce an audible cracking sound while others do not.

The popping noise comes from small pockets of air in a joint being released during manipulation; it does not harm, and its sound is harmless.

How does a chiropractor adjust my back?

Many of us have seen videos …

Sciatica Symptoms and Diagnosis


Your doctor can diagnose sciatica by asking about your symptoms – such as radiating pain – and conducting physical exams of both your back and legs. Additional tests such as an MRI scan or EMG assessment may also be administered.

Over-the-counter pain medications, including ibuprofen (Advil) and acetaminophen (Tylenol), may provide temporary relief. Your physician may suggest heat/cold therapy or physical therapy exercises …

The Benefits of Prenatal Yoga

prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga offers pregnant women many advantages. Its gentle yet powerful practice can easily adapt to suit the changing needs of each trimester.

Beginners may benefit from starting prenatal yoga during their second trimester as morning sickness typically subsides and your body adjusts more readily to moving through yoga poses and movements. Lombardo suggests beginning by attending classes led by trained prenatal yoga …

What is Scoliosis?

Scoliosis typically begins during childhood or adolescence and does not typically cause discomfort; however, it can hinder breathing.

Scoliosis treatment typically entails wearing a back brace to maintain a gradual curve while still growing, and doctors periodically examine its curvature.

Bracing may not be effective against active growth in children; surgery to fuse their spine’s bones together using bone graft, rods and screws …

What Are the Benefits of Massage?


Massage therapy uses pressure to manipulate muscles and connective tissues in your body, from soft to intense pressure.

Massage may help relieve pain, lower blood pressure and ease anxiety. Studies have also demonstrated its ability to stimulate serotonin production – an endorphin which positively influences our emotions and moods.


Relaxation massage may not provide as many specific health benefits as remedial massage …

The Benefits of an Energizing Massage

energizing massage

Massage can be an effective way to soothe the body and mind, helping reduce stress levels and improving sleep quality.

Improving your mood and energy are additional advantages of practicing yoga.

Though scientific evidence for its benefits remains mixed, many people enjoy experiencing them first-hand. Here are a few that you may want to try:

Boosts Your Mood

Under stress, your body produces …

Chiropractic Neurology

chiropractic neurology

Kirkland Chiropractic neurology is an emerging subspecialty of chiropractic care that has emerged out of recent advances in brain research. It offers patients with neurological conditions a new hope that has not responded to traditional medication or surgery treatments.

Chiropractic neurologists evaluate for pathologies just like medical doctors do, but with special techniques for diagnosis and treatment that other specialists cannot detect.


Finding a Chiropractor in Wahkiakum County, Washington

If you are looking for a chiropractor in Wahkiakum County, there are some different options available. The best choice is to find a chiropractor that is local to the area. This will give you the peace of mind that you need to know that you will be getting the care you need.

Dr. Brook Young

Brook Young, DC is a chiropractor in Brush …

Ways to Energize While Pregnant

energize while pregnant

There are several options for pregnant women who are looking for a quick energy boost. One of them is the drink Energize. This product contains a blend of organic ingredients that is sure to give a woman a natural boost. Unlike most energy drinks, Energize does not contain caffeine, which can be harmful to the baby. However, the drink does contain Taurine, an …

What Does a Chiropractor Do?


A chiropractor’s job is to treat the body and relieve pain. To perform this work, chiropractors must examine each patient physically and use X-rays to identify spinal problems. Then they develop a treatment plan for each patient. This plan involves applying controlled forces to the joints to improve their alignment and quality of movement. Chiropractors may use a variety of different techniques, but …