Bone Adjustment Chiropractic

Chiropractic adjustments provide relief, relax muscles and promote coordinated movement by manipulating joint spaces. When an adjustment takes place, cracking or popping noises may occur due to gasses being released into the fluid that lubricates joints.

Chiropractic thrusts are typically light; much lighter than those used by Usain Bolt during his 100m sprint!

How does it work?

Contrary to popular belief, spinal manipulation does not put bones back in their original positions. Instead, the popping sound heard during an adjustment is due to mechanical thrusts increasing joint volume and producing an abrupt release of gas that relieves pressure from surrounding tissues and joints – much like cracking your knuckles doesn’t shift bone positions back into their original spots either!

Kirkland Chiropractor use various techniques to determine which areas require adjustment, such as palpation (a hands-on technique which tests for stiff or misalignment issues), posture analysis, range of motion testing, leg length measurement analysis and other diagnostic tests like X-Rays or MRIs.

Most chiropractors primarily utilize spinal manipulation for back pain treatment; they may also adjust pelvis as part of treatment and other joints such as knees and feet. Transient side effects from spinal manipulation – such as more pain, stiffness or headache – are common, though usually resolve within 24 hours.

What is the procedure?

Chiropractic physicians use their hands or hand-held tool to apply sudden and quick pressure to joints, creating a cracking sound and sensation due to gasses releasing from inside of them – this process is known as joint cavitation.

Osteopathy and physiotherapy utilize this same technique to move and stretch joints, improving vertebral movement while simultaneously increasing body coordination. This treatment may improve spine vertebrae movement as well as coordination of all body movements.

Signs that your spine and neck require adjustment include headaches, neck pain or stiffness that is unexplained. Your chiropractor will perform a physical examination of your posture, order an X-ray or CT scan, check reflexes and observe how you move your neck and back. They may use massage, joint bracing, hot/cold therapy or Kinesio taping as treatment to ease spasms in muscles or joints and ensure you receive optimal treatment for neck/spinal issues.

What is the outcome?

Chiropractors strive to help their clients move, feel, and function more comfortably – which explains why so many experience relief after an adjustment: it decreases pain relief while improving posture, movement, and even symptoms like dizziness.

Contrary to popular belief, chiropractic adjustments don’t lead to cracking noises; rather, joint cavitation occurs when pressure in a joint is released allowing trapped nitrogen gasses to escape – just like when popping your knuckles!

Studies have demonstrated how misalignments of the spine can disrupt nerve signals and contribute to various health issues, including respiratory problems. Correcting misalignments allows the nervous system to function more smoothly and may even improve immunity; for instance, many believe spinal misalignments contribute to infant colic — a condition characterized by near constant crying and gas in infants and young children.

What is the cost?

Cost of bone adjustment chiropractic will depend on your insurance coverage; some practices don’t accept health insurance at all, and those that do may charge higher fees to cover time spent dealing with insurance companies. Furthermore, some practitioners offer additional services like the Graston Technique which uses stainless-steel instruments to identify areas of scar tissue or muscle adhesion and ultrasound therapy which generates heat deep within tissues to increase flexibility and promote healing.

Other treatment options for back and spinal issues include spinal decompression, which relieves pressure caused by herniated discs and pinched nerves. Sessions of spinal decompression typically range in price from $50 to $250 per session; some chiropractors also provide massage therapy and acupuncture sessions between $100-200 per session; electrical muscle stimulation can be used with small TENS units to alleviate pain while increasing blood flow; additional services include joint bracing, Kinesio taping, nutrition counseling as well as weight loss counseling from chiropractors.